‘Menschenkinder’ by Anne Thoss
Art present 2019
… the group of “human children” (basis of an installation) stands for all persecuted, displaced, evacuated and defenseless in the past, present and future. No matter what nationality, religion or skin color, they represent a suffering civilian population that is helplessly exposed to arbitrariness and violence. The anonymity and interchangeability of the “human children” shown are essential. The strongly reduced sculptures still reflect on the faces what moves them.
Anne Thoss
Anne Thoss lives and works at the lower part of the Lower Rhein and has her studio in Germany and in the Netherlands. In 1974 she started her artistic activities with a self-taught study of painting. She has been working as a freelance artist since 1996 and creates oil paintings – collages – experimental work with metal – installations – digital image processing – since 2014 also work with resin casting.
It is the topic of boundaries that runs like a thread through Anne Thoss’ work. She grew up in a border region, lived cross-border from the start and was influenced by it. The different forms of her work are about trying to visualize individual and social responsibility, the critical and reflected processing of political and social issues.
Her solo and group exhibitions as well as art fairs can be found in Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and Austria.
You can find more information about Anne Thoss here.